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Working Group for a Culture of Equality and Anti-discrimination

We, the Social and Cultural Anthropologists at Heidelberg University, strive to cultivate and nurture an environment of equality. As anthropologists from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds, we welcome the diversity, differences, and equalities of all gender and sexual identities, cultural and religious affiliations, educational and class backgrounds, and physical abilities. Our common goal is to cultivate and embed these aspects in teaching, learning, and research activities at the anthropology departments and the CATS campus. An additional goal is the advancement of women and parents in the course of their academic careers. Improving internal communication is crucial for the implementation of all of these goals. We want to encourage all the faculty members and students to engage in open and creative dialogues, overcome prejudice, and strengthen and support transcultural learning with and from each other.
Such a culture of equality and anti-discrimination is an ongoing process, and can only be shaped and maintained through the active participation of all students and faculty. Heidelberg Anthropology, therefore, cordially extends its invitation to interested students who wish to become actively involved and help facilitate and shape such a process.
You can contact one of the contact persons, among whom you will find representatives of all status groups, with suggestions and critical feedback for shaping and improving a culture of equality and anti-discrimination. As and when necessary, they will pass on your suggestions confidentially to the Institutes’ management. Furthermore, in the event of sexist or racist discrimination, sexual harassment, harassment at work or stalking, contact persons will inform you about the support services available to you at Heidelberg University.

The Working Group for Equality and Anti-Discrimination consists of representatives from all status groups at the three anthropology teaching institutes in CATS ((students, mid-level faculty, and professors from IfE, SAI, HCTS) and supports the culture of equality and anti/discrimination through the following formats and is open to further suggestions:

  1. It promotes the critical examination of topics such as discrimination, sexism, gender, and racism in the context of lectures, public discussions, seminars, working groups or film screenings.
  2. It has initiated a buddy program together with advanced BA and MA students, which is intended to facilitate the integration of first-year students and especially students from abroad within Heidelberg anthropology. (Please contact any of the names listed below for interested buddies!)
  3. Moreover, as contact persons, the members of the working group provide initial advice to anthropology students in cases of sexism, racism, bullying, and stalking in an academic context.

In personal conversations, those seeking advice receive information about which other professional offers of help and options for action are available to them at Heidelberg University.
In all these aspects, we work closely with the Heidelberg University's Equal Opportunities Office, which also organizes its own overarching events on an ongoing basis.

Contact persons for Equality and Anti-discrimination:


Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2024-04-18
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