Dr. Benjamin Baumann
Before joining Heidelberg University’s Institute of Anthropology in April 2020 as a postdoctoral associate and coordinator of the MA program “sociocultural anthropology”, I was research associate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin's Department of Southeast Asian Studies (2010-2020).
I majored in sociocultural anthropology and Southeast Asian studies. I, therefore, work transdisciplinarily and largely use ethnographic methods but draw major theoretical inspiriations not only from anthropology, but also from philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies. In my ethnographic research I examine rural lifeworlds, socio-cultural identities, and local language games in order to explicate the interrelationship between religion, social reproduction and communal belonging in the border regions between Thailand and Cambodia.
I am currently working on a postdoctoral research project that outlines the possession complex at the heart of Thai animism and its emplacement in rural villages in Thailand’s lower Northeast. I am particularly interested in dividual personhood and how it is imagined in local language games. My current research looks at the cultic life of termite mounds and asks how a mutuality of being with various nonhumans commonly classified as "spirits", "ghosts" or "deities" is reproduced in possession phenomena and mediumship rituals.
I received my PhD in Southeast Asian Studies in 2017 with an ethnographic dissertation on the Khmer-speaking minority in Thailand’s lower Northeast. My dissertation, Ghosts of Belonging: Searching for Khmerness in Rural Buriram critically reevaluates the naturalization of ethnicity as a theoretical paradigm in Thai studies in order to analyze how local self-understandings of Khmer-speakers contest Thai national discourses about cultural belonging and religion in everyday contexts. My dissertation was supervised by Guido Sprenger and Vincent Houben and nominated for the Humboldt Prize 2017.
I majored in Anthropology and Southeast Asian Studies and obtained my M.A. degree with highest honours (1,0) from Freie Universität Berlin. My M.A. thesis “On Centrism and Dualism: Anthropological Models of Social Organization in Southeast Asia Reconsidered” was written under the supervision of Georg Pfeffer and nominated for the Rudolf Virchow Research Prize 2010.
In 2019, I co-organized the EuroSEAS conference held in Berlin has head of the local organization team at the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
On Centrism and Dualism. House Societies in Southeast Asia Reconsidered. Glienicke: Galda Verlag
Ghosts of Belonging: Searching for Khmerness in Rural Buriram. Dissertation, Southeast Asian Studies, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (microfiches)
The 'Soul' of the Tai Re-Examined: The Khwan Concept and Tham Khwan Ceremony of the Tai-Speaking Peoples. by Barend Jan Terwiel, Glienicke: Galda Press
Global Handbook of Inequality. Surinder Jodhka, Benjamin Baumann et al. (eds.), Cham: Springer
Deities and Divas: Queer Ritual Specialists in Myanmar, Thailand and Beyond. Peter A. Jackson and Benjamin Baumann (eds.), Copenhagen: NIAS Press
Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. Benjamin Baumann and Daniel Bultmann (eds.), New York: Routledge
Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland. Boike Rehbein, Benjamin Baumann et al. (eds.), Konstanz und München: UVK.
International Quaterly for Asian Studies. 51 (3-4). Special Issue on New Area Studies and Southeast Asia (with Andrea Fleschenberg)
Was schulden wir unseren Forschungspartner*innen? Zu den Hintergründen eines Austauschprojektes mit dem Buriram Technical College. In: Thailand Rundschau. 36 (1), pp. 19-21
Enunciating ambiguity: Thailand’s phi and the epistemological decolonization of Thai Studies. In: South East Asia Research. 30 (2), pp. 161-179
Editorial: New Area Studies and Southeast Asia – Mapping Ideas, Agendas, Debates and Critique. In: International Quaterly for Asian Studies. 51 (3-4), pp. 5-16 (with Andrea Fleschenberg)
Small Places, Large Issues Revisited: Reflections on an Ethnographically Founded Vision of New Area Studies. In: International Quaterly for Asian Studies. 51 (3-4), pp. 99-129 (with Danny Kretschmer, Johannes von Plato, Jona Pomerance, Tim Rössig)
Same Same But Different: Ein romantische Dekonstruktion des paradoxografischen Trends in den Thai Studien. In: polylog. 43, pp. 101-130
Geister, Hexen und Gespenster – Die Welt des thailändischen Comic-Künstlers Tawee Witsanukorn. in: Thailand Rundschau. 02/2019, pp. 75-80 (together with Niccolas Verstappen)
Das animistische Kollektiv. Lévy-Bruhl, soziale Ontologien und die Gegenseitigkeit von Menschen und nicht-Menschen in Thailand. in: Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaft. 4 (2), pp. 129-166
Soziale Ontologie, Soziokulturen, Ungleichheit und Kollektive. in: Zeitschrift für Kultur- und Kollektivwissenschaft. 4 (2), pp. 7-28 (together with Boike Rehbein)
Ein thailändischer Bram Stoker. in: Südostasien. 4/2018 (together with Nicolas Verstappen)
From Filth-Ghost to Khmer-Witch: Phi Krasue’s Changing Cinematic Construction and its Symbolism. in: Horror Studies. 5 (2), pp. 183-196
Tamnan Krasue: Constructing a Khmer Ghost for a Thai Film. in: Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. 14
Ein Khmer-Geist im Thai-Film. Geisterfilme, sozio-kulturelle Stereotype und thailändische Identität nach der Asienkrise. in: Südostasien. 4/2013, pp. 29-31
"Editor's Preface: The Former Monk's Magic", in: The 'Soul' of the Tai Re-Examined: The Khwan Concept and Tham Khwan Ceremony of the Tai-Speaking Peoples. by Barend Jan Terwiel, Glienicke: Galda Press, pp. vii-xii
“Masters of the Underground: Termite Mound Veneration and the Mutuality of Chthonic and Human Beings in Northeastern Thailand”, in: Holly High (ed.), Stone Masters: Power Encounters in Southeast Asia. Singapore: NUS Press, pp. 132-166
“Buriram’s Possession Complex and the Growing Professionalization of Village Mediumship in Thailand’s Lower Northeast.” in: Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière and Peter A. Jackson (eds.), Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia: A World Ever More Enchanted. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, pp. 253-291
“Introduction. Transgenderism, Homosexuality and Enchantment in Myanmar and Thailand: Queer Ritual Specialists in Efflorescing Spirit Possession Cults,” in: Jackson/Baumann (eds.), Deities and Divas: Queer Ritual Specialists in Myanmar, Thailand and Beyond. Copenhagen: NIAS Press (with Peter A. Jackson)
“Introduction,” in: Benjamin Baumann and Daniel Bultmann (eds.), Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-5 (with Daniel Bultmann)
“Rethinking the Social: Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Social Inequality,” in: Benjamin Baumann and Daniel Bultmann (eds.) Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. New York: Routledge, pp. 6-22 (with Boike Rehbein)
“Reconceptualizing the Cosmic Polity: The Tai Mueang as a Social Ontology,” in: Benjamin Baumann and Daniel Bultmann (eds.), Social Ontology, Sociocultures and Inequality in the Global South. New York: Routledge, pp. 42-66
“Thai Monsters - Phi Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (Mongkolsiri, 2019).” in: Simon Bacon (ed.), Monsters: A Companion. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 101-109 “Thai Monsters - Phi Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (Mongkolsiri, 2019).” in: Simon Bacon (ed.), Monsters: A Companion. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 101-109
“Ban Phi Pop.” in: Marie Ainslie and Kasia Ancuta (eds.) Thai Cinema: A Complete Guide. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 64-66
“Krasue Sao.” in: Marie Ainslie and Kasia Ancuta (eds.) Thai Cinema: A Complete Guide. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 52-54
“Krasue Valentine.” in: Marie Ainslie and Kasia Ancuta (eds.) Thai Cinema: A Complete Guide. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 127-129
“Tamnan Krasue: Constructing a Khmer Ghost for a Thai Film.” in: Pavin Chachavalpongpun (ed.) The Blooming Years: Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp. 360-365
“Ewiges Feuer.” in: Lydia Hamann, Mirko Winkel and Karen Winzer (eds.) Finale Form: DeathLab, sieben Gespräche über Tod und Kunst. Berlin, 2017, pp. 32-47
“The Khmer Witch Project: Demonizing the Khmer by Khmerizing a Demon.” in: Peter Bräunlein and Andrea Lauser (eds.) Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Narratives, Cultural Contexts, Audiences. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 141-183
“Habitustypen.” in: Benjamin Baumann, Boike Rehbein et al. (eds), Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland. Konstanz und München: UVK, pp. 81-110
“Einleitung.” in: Benjamin Baumann, Stefan Hoffmann and Maren Wilger (eds.), Der Tod im Kulturvergleich - Süd und Südostasiatische Perspektiven. Berlin: Südostasien Working Papers, No. 51. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 13-18
“Relitik: Zur analytischen Untrennbarkeit von Religion und Politik im siamesischen Kontext.” in: Frederik Holst and Eva Streifenender (eds.) Myanmar. Berlin: Südostasien Working Papers, No. 32. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 47-61
The Khmer Witch Project: Demonizing the Khmer by Khmerizing a Demon. Göttingen: DORISEA Working Paper Series, no. 19. University of Göttingen
Der Tod im Kulturvergleich: Süd- und Südostasiatische Perspektiven. Benjamin Baumann, Stefan Hoffmann and Maren Wilger (eds.), Berlin: Südostasien Working Papers, no. 51. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
On Centrism and Dualism - A Critical Reassessment of Structural Anthropology's Contribution to the Study of Southeast Asian Societies. Berlin: Südostasien Working Papers, no. 40. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Erik Davis “Deathpower. Buddhism’s Ritual Imagination in Cambodia.” New York, Columbia University Press, 2016, in: H-Buddhism
Arnika Fuhrmann “Ghostly Desires. Queer Sexuality and Vernacular Buddhism in Contemporary Thai Cinema.” Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2016, in: Journal of Asian Studies 76 (4), pp. 1134-1136
Kirsten Endres and Andrea Lauser (eds.): “Engaging the Spirit World. Popular Beliefs and Practices in Modern Southeast Asia.” New York, Berghahn Books, 2011, in: ANTHROPOS 108, pp. 652-653
Barend J. Terwiel: “Monks and Magic. Revisiting a Classic Study of Religious Ceremonies in Thailand.” Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2012, in: Aséanie 28, pp. 210-214
Awards and Nominations
Winner of the Humboldt-Prize for Excellence in Teaching 2017: ‘Heterogenität als Herausforderung’
Nominated for a Junior Fellowship, Society of Fellows, Harvard University (invited to campus talks)
Nominated for the ‘Humboldt Prize 2017’ (for the doctoral dissertation: Ghosts of Belonging: Searching for Khmerness in Rural Buriram), nominated by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Nominated for the ‘Rudolf Virchow Research Prize’ (for the magisterial thesis: On Centrism and Dualism: Anthropological Models of Social Organization in Southeast Asia Reconsidered), nominated by the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin
Third Mission
Guest in the radio broadcast "Weltweit" of Cosmo Radio Bremen (19 February)
Expert talk on Thailand's Phi Krasue in the Podcast "Critters and Kaiju (and other curiosities)"
Conversation on (Trans-)Gender and Religion in Southeast Asia in the "The Nordic Asia Podcast" on the occasion of the publication of Deities and Divas: Queer Ritual Specialists in Myanmar, Thailand and Beyond by Nias Press