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Student Council

Our Blog (German) provides current activities and news concerning our work and the discipline of Anthropology at Heidelberg University.


Who are we?   

The Student Council Anthropology is a conglomerate of students at different periods of studies. At the moment our group encompasses about 5-10 active members who met on a regular basis to discuss as well as represent the students’ interests at the Institute of Anthropology. Accordingly we see ourselves as an key organ which seeks to create a dialogue between the different parts of a common whole - the studies of Anthopology at Heidelberg University.

Our internal organization is splitted up on two levels. On the one hand there exists the Fachschaftsvollversammlung (Student Council Plenum) - meetings open to all Anthropology students at Heidelberg University, there topics and decisions concerning the disciplines student body are discussed, prepared and made; on the other hand there exists the Fachschaftsrat (Student Council Board) - our executive organ composed of 7 seats at the present which bears the responsibility to realize the Plenums’ decisions as well as it takes care of the organization and communication of university information and activities.

What do we do?      

The Student Council Anthropology is in charge of the interests of all Anthropology students at Heidelberg University and represents these interests in the following committees:

  1. One or more members regularly take part at Staff Meetings at the Institute of Anthopology. Here students problems as well as requests directly could be communicated to the lecturers. Furthermore these members are to inform the student body about decisions concerning teaching, studies in general, university reorganizations, staffs’ questions, or other issues.
  2. This academic year also two Student Council members are to be seated in the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies. There decisions concernig the whole Facutly are to be made.
  3. The Sectoral Council Anthropology - the highest committee on the disciplines’ level - also contains three student members. In this context we are able to discuss current issues with elected staff members, work the next semesters’ schedule over and represent our requests as students.
  4. Besides others the Quality Funds Commission Anthropology is composed of two student members. There the money given by the Land Baden-Württemberg is subdivided, also in the students interests.
  5. Furthermore the Examination Board of the Institute of Anthropology encompasses one student member with a consulting voice.

Moreover each year we organize a Christmas as well as a Summer party. If possible we also seek to realize an Anthropology party once a semester. If you have any problems, questions or other issues concerning your - and thereby our - studies, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

How to contact?

We are always looking for new motivated members who are interested in engaging in university politics or who like to organize information events, first semester orientation days, parties, etc.
Sounds as if we might need you? Just write a message or attend our meetings to find out :)

Seitenbearbeiter: Webmaster
Letzte Änderung: 2025-01-23
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