Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger

Profilbild Sprenger 2020

I am Professor at the Institute of Anthropology, Heidelberg University since 2010, after positions at the Academia Sinica, Taipei, and the University of Münster. Since 2000, I have spent over two and a half years of fieldwork with highlanders in Laos, especially Rmeet (Lamed) and Jru’ (Loven). Among the questions I am interested in are the following:

How is sociality and cosmology enacted through rituals?

How are relationships created and maintained through gift exchange?

How do such relationships encompass humans and non-humans, the environment, spirits, animals and plants?

How do boundaries reproduce sociality while at the same time processing the “outside” for the “inside”?

By employing anthropological and sociological theory, I attempt to translate local theories and practices of sociality and animism into concepts that are able to make a difference for Western-modern academia – and possibly to Western-modern sociality more generally.

Other topics that I study and teach are the anthropology of Southeast Asia, cultural identity, kinship and social structure, gender and sexuality, mythology and dreaming.



Since Oktober 2010

Full professorship, Institute of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg. Acting director from winter term 2011 to summer term 2013, winter 2014/15, 2016/17, and since summer term 2019.


September 2007 – September 2010

Juniorprofessor, Institute of Ethnology, University of Münster, Germany


July 2004 – August 2007

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei


February 2004

"The men who cut the money tree. Concepts of exchange and society among the Rmeet of Takheung, Laos" (in German)mark summa cum laude (very good)

Received the Research Award 2004 of the Frobenius Institute for Cultural Research, Frankfurt/Main. Publication supported by German Research Council (DFG).


Januar 2000 – March 2003

Member of the Research Group Cultural Diversity and the Construction of Polity in Southeast Asia: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Transformation (FOR 362), supported by the German Research Council, at the University of Münster


January 1997 – October 1999

Computer coverage at the municipa library of Gronau, Germany


1997 – 1999

Commissioned lecturer, University of Münster

May 1993 – July 1994, April 1995  – September 1996

Administrative assistant at the Institute of Ethnology, University of Münster

October 1996

M.A. Exam, mark 1 (= excellent)
Thesis: "Sexuality and Culture in Melanesia: A critical analysis of Malinowski's "The sexual life of savages" according to recent anthropological theories on sexuality" (in German) 

October 1988 – October 1996

Studies in Social Anthropology at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, minors: Political Sciences and History

August 1994 - March 1995

Exchanged student (ERASMUS) at Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, the Netherlands , Studying subjects: Anthropology and Indonesian


Research Interests

Southeast Asia, especially Laos, religion and ritual, exchange, human-environment relationships, ethnic identity, social structure, gender and sexuality




2006. Die Männer, die den Geldbaum fällten: Konzepte von Austausch und Gesellschaft bei den Rmeet von Takheung, Laos. (The men who cut the money tree: Concepts of exchange and society among the Rmeet of Takheung, Laos) Berlin: LitVerlag.

1997. Erotik und Kultur in Melanesien: eine kritische Analyse von Malinowskis "The sexual life of savages".  (Erotics and culture in Melanesia: a critical analysis of Malinowski’s „The sexual life of savages“) Münster/Hamburg: LitVerl.


Edited volumes

2023. (with Timo Duile, Michaela Haug, Kristina Großmann) Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence. London/New York: Routledge.

2018. (with Kristina Großmann) (eds.) Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia. Thematic Issue, SOJOURN – Journal of Southeast Asian Affairs 33,2.

2016. (with L. Prager, M. Prager) Parts and Wholes: Essays on social morphology, cosmology and exchange in honour of Josephus D.M. Platenkamp. Berlin: LitVerlag

2016. (with Kaj Århem) Animism in Southeast Asia. Oxon: Routledge.

1999. (with Kai U. Jürgens and Till Kniola) Monography Asmus Tietchens. Münster/Bochum: AufAbwegen (Revised and expanded 2nd edition 2006).


Articles in peer-reviewed journals

2023. Expectations of the Gift: Towards a future-oriented taxonomy of transfers. With comments by Rebecca Bryant, Ilana Gershon, Andrew Pickles, Joel Robbins and Marilyn Strathern, and response. Social Analysis 67,1: 70-124.

2022. Counterintuitive Utopias: What modern society can learn from anthropology. Paideuma 68: 7-33.

2022. Deflecting responsibility: Spirits in Southeast Asia and “systems” in Western modernity. HAU – Journal of Ethnographic Theory 12,3: 805-818.

2021. Folded Persons: Shamans, Witchcraft and Wayward Souls in Laos. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.

2021. Can animism save the world? Reflections on Personhood and Complexity in the Ecological Crisis. In Ernst Halbmayer/Eveline Dürr (eds.) Toward an anthropology of life in the anthropocene. Sociologus 71,1: 73-91.

Forthcoming (2021). Can animism save the world? In Ernst Halbmayer/Eveline Dürr (eds.) Toward an anthropology of life in the anthropocene. Sociologus 71,1.


2021. Staying or moving: Government compliance and agency in post-Zomian Laos. European Journal of East Asian Studies 20,1. doi:10.1163/15700615-20211007


2019. Die konstitutiven Widersprüche der Gabe. Paideuma 65 (Special Section, ed. by Thomas Widlok), 139-156.


2018. The End of the Afterlife: Modes of Transitoriness among Rmeet, Laos. Péninsule 77, 2: 89-112.


2018. (with Kristina Großmann) Introduction: Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia. In Kristina Großmann/Guido Sprenger (eds.) Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia. SOJOURN 33, 2: ix-xxi.


2018. Buddhism and Coffee: The Transformation of Locality and Non-Human Personhood in Southern Laos. SOJOURN 33, 2: 65-90.


2017. Local Comparisons: Buddhism and its others in upland Laos. (Special Issue: Rethinking Culture, Area and Comparison from the Axial Age to the Contemporary Multi-Centric World, ed. by Ernst Halbmayer) Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 142,2: 245-264.


2017. Goods and ethnicity: Trade and bazaars in Laos from a gift perspective. Heidelberg Ethnology Occasional Papers 6


2017. Communicated into being: Systems theory and the shifting of ontological status. Anthropological Theory 17,1: 108-132.


2017. The connectivity of ethnic displays: New codes for identity in northern Laos. Asian Ethnicity 18,1: 95-116.


2016. Structured and unstructured misunderstandings: Thoughts towards an anthropological theory of misunderstanding. Civilisations 65: 21-38.


2016. (with Olivier Évrard (1st author), Oliver Pryce and Chanthaphilith Chiemsisouraj) Of myths and metallurgy: Archaeological and ethnological approaches to iron upland production in ninth century AD North-West Laos. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 47,1: 109-140. doi:10.1017/S0022463415000491.


2014. Kosmologische Zoogamie: Zur Ehe zwischen Menschen und Tieren. (Cosmological Zoogamy: On the marriage of human and animals.) Paideuma 60: 25-44.


2013. Transcultural communication and social order: Comparisons in upland Southeast Asia. In: Special Issue, ed. by Meenaxi Barkataki-Ruscheweyh and Andrea Lauser. Asian Ethnology, 72,2: 299-319.


2011. Differentiated Origins: Trajectories of transcultural knowledge in Laos and beyond. Sojourn 26,2: 224-247.


2010. From power to value: ranked titles in an egalitarian society, Laos. Journal of Asian Studies 69,2: 403-425. doi:10.1017/S0021911810000069.


2009a. Invisible Blood: Self-censorship and the public in uplander ritual, Laos. Asian Journal of Social Science 37, 6: 935-951. doi:10.1163/156848409X12526657425343.


2009b. Die Pflege der Spaltung: Die Institutionalisierung von Dissoziation in der Moderne und bei den Schamanen der Rmeet, Laos. (Cultivating the split: The institutionalization of dissociation in modernity and among Rmeet shamans, Laos) Curare 32,1: 64-77.


2008. The problem of wholeness: Upland Southeast Asian cosmologies in transition. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 133, 1: 75-94.


2006a. Out of the ashes: Swidden cultivation in Highland Laos. Anthropology today 22,4: 9-13.


2006b. Bone transfers: Incomplete replacement in Rmeet ritual exchange. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 4,1: 79-111. doi:10.7115/TJA.200606.0079.


2006c. The end of rituals: A dialogue of theory and ethnography in Laos. Paideuma 52: 51-72.


2005. The way of the buffaloes: Trade and sacrifice in Northern Laos. Ethnology 44, 4: 291-312. doi:10.2307/3774092.


Book chapters and other contributions

Forthcoming. Die Bedingungen der Gabe in der Zivilgesellschaft. Eine Perspektive aus der ethnologischen Theorie. Opusculum. Berlin: Maecenata-Stiftung.

Forthcoming (2023). Die Schönheit des Unterschieds: Ursula K. Le Guin und die Ethnologie. In: Melanie Wylutzki / Hardy Kettlitz (eds.): Das Science Fiction Jahr 2023. Berlin: Memoranda.

2023. Die Kultur der Sexualität: Ethnologische Perspektiven auf kulturelle Möglichkeiten. In Dewi Maria Suharjanto /Joachim Valentin (eds.): Körper, Eros, Identität, 15-22. Freiburg: Herder.

2023. (1st author, with Kristina Großmann, Michaela Haug and Timo Duile) Introduction: Plural Ecologies: Beyond ontology and political ecology in Southeast Asia. In Timo Duile, Michaela Haug, Kristina Großmann, Guido Sprenger (eds.): Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence, 1-27. London/New York: Routledge.

2023. Ontologies of Possibility: Future-oriented indeterminacy in Southeast Asian animism. In Timo Duile, Michaela Haug, Kristina Großmann, Guido Sprenger (eds.): Plural Ecologies in Southeast Asia: Hierarchies, Conflicts, and Coexistence, 28-46. London/New York: Routledge.

2022. The gift as an open question. In Hans-Peter Hahn, Anja Klöckner, Dirk Wicke (ed.) Values and revaluations. The Transformation and Genesis of ‘Values in Things’ from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, 123-139. Barnsley: Oxbow.

2022 Animism and cosmological dynamics in Laos. In Jelle Wouters/Michael Heneise (Hrsg.): The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Highland Asia, 379-390. London: Routledge.

2022 Kontraintuitive Utopien: Was die Gesellschaft von der Ethnologie lernen kann. In Roland Hardenberg, Jos Platenkamp, Thomas Widlok (eds.) Ethnologie als angewandte Wissenschaft: Das Zusammenspiel von Theorie und Praxis, 273-296. Berlin: Reimer.

2022 Umweltethnologie. In Thomas Meier, Frank Keppler, Ulrich Platt, Friedrike Reents (eds.) Umwelt interdisziplinär: Grundlagen – Konzepte - Handlungsfelder. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press.
DOI: 10.11588/heidok.00031283

2022 (1st author, with Oliver Schlaudt, Hans Gebhardt, Thomas Meier). Natur-Kultur-Dualismus und Hybridisierung. In Thomas Meier, Frank Keppler, Ulrich Platt, Friederike Reents (eds.) Umwelt interdisziplinär: Grundlagen – Konzepte - Handlungsfelder. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press.

2021. Verknüpfte Geister, flüchtige Körper: Ästhetische Objekte und ihre rituellen Netzwerke im Norden von Laos. In Markus Verne, Annika Schlitte und Gregor Wedekind (Hrsg.): Die Handlungsmacht ästhetischer Objekte. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1-24.

2021. Power and Transcendence: A Comment on Upland Pioneers. In Oliver Tappe/Rosalie Stolz (eds.) Upland Pioneers. Special Issue, Social Anthropology 29, 3: 778-786.


2020. The comparison of structures and the comparison of systems:
Lévi-Strauss, Dumont, Luhmann. In Michael Schnegg/Edward Lowe (eds.): Comparing Cultures: Innovations in Comparative Ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 93-116.


2019b. Culture Summary: Rmeet. Human Relations Area Files.


2019a. Kopfschmuck einer Akha-Frau, Thailand. In Axel Michaels/Margarete Pavaloki (Eds.) The Scholar’s Choice: Lieblingsstücke Heidelberger Wissenschaftler aus dem Völkerkundemuseum der J. und E. von Portheim-Stiftung. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Press, 124-131.


2018a. Soll man an Geister glauben? Ein Für und Wider. südostasien: Zeitschrift für Politik, Kultur, Dialog 2018/3: 1-7.


2018b. Ethnologie. In Alfred Krovoza/Christine Walde (Hgg.): Traum und Schlaf: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 189-200.


2017a. Das verlorene Buch: Schrift in Gesellschaften ohne Schrift. In: Michaela Böttner, Ludger Lieb, Christian Vater, Christian Witschel (eds.): 5300 Jahre Schrift. Heidelberg: Wunderhorn, 154-157.


2017b. Reconnecting the ancestors: Buddhism and animism on the Boloven Plateau, Laos. In: Michel Picard (ed.): The Appropriation of ‘Religion’ in Southeast Asia and beyond. New York: Palgrave.


2017c. Piglets are buffaloes: Buddhification and the reduction of sacrifice on the Boloven Plateau. In: Vatthana Pholsena/Vanina Bouté (eds.) Changing lives in Laos: Society, Politics, and Culture in a post-Socialist State. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 281-300


2016a. Rituale in Roben? Ethnologische Betrachtungen über Juristen. In: Ute Mager (ed.): Die Rechtswissenschaft aus der Sicht ihrer Nachbardisziplinen: Ansprachen an die Absolventen der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Heidelberg 2013 und 2014 (Miscellanea Juridica Heidelbergensis; 6), 45-59. Heidelberg: Jedermann.


2016b. (with Boike Rehbein) Religion and differentiation: three Southeast Asian configurations. In: Peter J. Bräunlein, Michael Dickhardt, Andrea Lauser (eds.): Configurations of religion – a debate. A DORISEA network discussion opened by Boike Rehbein and Guido Sprenger. DORISEA Working Paper series, No. 24, special issue. doi:10.3249/2196-6893-dwp-24.


2016c. Production is exchange: Gift-giving between humans and non-humans In: L. Prager, M. Prager, G. Sprenger (eds.): Parts and Wholes: Essays on social morphology, cosmology and exchange in honour of Josephus D.M. Platenkamp, 247-263. Berlin: LitVerlag.


2016d. The Birth of Strangers: Exo- and Endosociality in Rmeet Birth Rituals, Laos. In: Gabriele Alex/Karin Polit (eds.) Childbirth and its accompanying rituals, 16-36. Heidelberg: Draupadi.


2016e. Comment on Konstantinos Retsikas: The other side of the gift: Soliciting in Java. Heidelberg Ethnology Occasional Papers Series.


2016f. Graded Personhood: Human and non-human actors in the Southeast Asian uplands. In: Guido Sprenger/Kaj Århem (eds.): Animism in Southeast Asia, 73-90. London: Routledge.


2016g. Dimensions of animism in Southeast Asia. In: Guido Sprenger/ Kaj Århem (eds.): Animism in Southeast Asia, 31-51. London: Routledge.


2015a. The rank of people and the rank of things: Perspectives from social anthropology. In: Jörg Peltzer (ed.) Rank and Order: The Formation of Aristocratic Elites in Western and Central Europe, 500-1500, 39-58. Ostfildern: Thorbecke.


2015b. Idiome von Zentrum und Peripherie: Transkulturalität in einer asiatischen Grenzregion. (Idioms of center and periphery: transculturality in an Asian border region) In: Jutta Ernst/Florian Freitag (Ed.): Transkulturelle Dynamiken: Aktanten – Prozesse – Theorien, 227-254. Bielefeld: Transcript.


2015c. Animism. In: Jesudas Athyal (ed.): Encyclopedia of Religion in Southeast Asia, 7-10. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.


2015d. Uplanders. In: Jesudas Athyal (ed.): Encyclopedia of Religion in Southeast Asia, 335-337. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.


2014a. Unser Phantom Leitkultur. In: Ursula Bertels (Hrsg.): Einwanderungsland Deutschland: Wie kann Integration aus ethnologischer Sicht gelingen?, 53-65. Münster: Waxmann.


2014b. Where the dead go to the market: market and ritual as social systems in upland Southeast Asia. In Volker Gottowik (ed.): The Magic of Modernity: Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia, 75-90. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.


2013. Invisible Blood: Ritual as Information Processing in Laos. In Alexander Horstmann/Thomas Reuter (eds.): Faith in the Future: Understanding the Revitalization of Religions and Cultural Traditions in Asia. Leiden: Brill: 157-176.


2012. Haben Rituale Grenzen? (Do rituals have boundaries?) Comment on: Burckhard Dücker: Rituale. Erwägen Wissen Ethik 23,2: 226-22.


2011a. Büffelschwarm und Mückenhorde – warum klingt das falsch? Wie Menschen Tiere eingemeinden. (A swarm of buffaloes and a horde of gnats – why does it sound odd? How humans socialize animals.) In Birgitta Huse/Irmgard Hellmann de Manrique/Ursula Bertels (Hrsg.): Menschen und Tiere weltweit: Einblicke in besondere Beziehungen weltweit. Münster: Waxmann, 19-28.


2011b. Rituelle Knabenbesamung: Der Spiegel der Fremde. In W. Müller/M. Wijlens (hrsg.): Aus dem Dunkel ans Licht: Fakten und Konsequenzen des sexuellen Missbrauchs für Kirche und Gesellschaft.  Münsterschwarzach: Vier Türme, 90-94.


2011c. (with Silke Meyer) Der Blick der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie: Sehen als Körpertechnik zwischen Wahrnehmung und Deutung. (The gaze of cultural and social anthropology: seeing as a technique of the body between perception and interpretation.) In Silke Meyer, Armin Owzar (Eds.): Disziplinen der Anthropologie. Münster: Waxmann, 197-220.


2010. Sharing dreams: Involvement in the Other’s cosmology; in Anne Sigfrid Grønseth/Dona Lee Davis (eds.): Mutuality and Empathy: Self and Other in the Ethnographic Encounter. Oxon: Sean Kingston, 49-68.


2008. Do the Rmeet have clans? In Michel Lorrillard/Yves Goudineau (eds.): Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos. Paris: Ècole française de l’Extrême-Orient, 559-578.


2007. From kettledrums to coins: Social transformation and the flow of valuables in Northern Laos. In François Robinne/Mandy Sadan (eds.): Social Dynamics in the Highlands of Southeast Asia: Reconsidering Political Systems of Highland Burma by E.R. Leach. Leiden: Brill, 161-186.


2006. Political periphery, cosmological center: the reproduction of Rmeet socio-cosmic order and the Laos-Thailand border; in Alexander Horstmann/Reed Wadley (eds.): Centering the margin: Agency and Narrative in Southeast Asian borderlands. New York/Oxford: Berghahn: 65-92.


2005. Ethnologie der Sexualität: eine Einführung, in Gabriele Alex/Sabine Klocke-Daffa (hrsg.): Sex and the body: Ethnologische Perspektiven. Bielefeld: Transcript: 11-40.


2004. Encompassment and its discontents: Rmeet and lowland Lao relationships; in Gerd Baumann/André Gingrich (eds.): Grammars of identity/alterity: a structural approach. New York/Oxford: Berghahn: 173-191.


2000. Die Trobriander gegen Sigmund Freud: Traumdeutung und das Konzept der Person bei den Melanesiern und den Modernen. kea 13: 21-44.


1999. Zwei Ohren hat der Kopf: die Struktur und das Unbekannte in Asmus Tietchens’ Musik/Two ears each head has: structure and the unknown in the music of Asmus Tietchens (english/german.). In 1999a: 55-107 (Neufassung 2006).


1997. Erotik, Status und Magie bei den Trobriandern in Papua-Neuguinea. In K. Lutter (u.a.) (hrsg.): Vom altjavanischen Tempel bis zum Internet. Köln: Fachschaft Malaiologie: 130-143.


Reviews and review essay

2023. Holly High: Projectland: Life in a Lao Socialist Model Village. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2021. Journal of Anthropological Research 79,3: 407-8.

2023. Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière/Peter A. Jackson (eds.): Spirit Possession in Buddhist Southeast Asia: A World ever more enchanted. Copenhagen: NIAS Press 2022. International Quarterly of Asian Studies 54,1: 112-114.

2022. Rosalie Stolz: Living Kinship, Fearing Spirits: Sociality among the Khmu of northern Laos. Copenhagen: NIAS Press. Journal of Asian Studies 81: 257-258.

2022. Leah Zani: Bomb Children: Life in the Former Battlefields of Laos. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 28: 705-706

2021.  Review Essay: Courtney Work: Tides of Empire: Religion, Development and Environment in Cambodia. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2020. Sojourn 36, 3: 531-536.

2021. Christopher J. Shepherd: Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters: ethnography and animism in East Timor, 1860-1975. Singapore: Asian Studies Association of Australia/National University of Singapore Press, 2019. Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto) 10,2: 327-329.


2020. Platenkamp, Jos D.M., and Almut Schneider (eds.) 2019. Integrating Strangers in Society: Perspectives from Elsewhere. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. Social Anthropology 28,3: 781-3.


2017. Holly High: Fields of Desire: Poverty and Policy in Laos. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2014. Asian Ethnology 76,2: 441-443.


2017. Nikolas Århem: Forests, Spirits, and High Modernist

Development. A Study of Cosmology and Change amongthe Katuic Peoples in the Uplands of Laos and Vietnam.

Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 2014. Anthropos 112: 295-296.


2015. Hjorleifur Jonsson: Slow Anthropology: negotiating difference with the Iu Mien. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2014. Journal of Anthropological Research 71,3: 452-453.


2015. Deborah Tooker: Space and the Production of cultural difference among the Akha prior to globalization: channeling the flow of life. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2012. Sojourn: Journal of social issues in Southeast Asia 30,2: 576-578.


2014. Review Essay: On the edge of the sacred forest. Sarinda Singh, Natural potency and political power; Forests and state authority in contemporary Laos. Michael R. Dove, The banana tree at the gate; A history of marginal peoples and global markets in Borneo. M. R. Dove, P. E. Sajise, A. A. Doolittle (eds.), Beyond the sacred forest; Complicating conservation in Southeast Asia. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 170: 355-364.


2012. Alber, Erdmute, Bettina Beer, Julia Pauli, Michael Schnegg: (hrsg.): Verwandtschaft heute. Positionen, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven. Berlin: Reimer, 2010. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 137: 265-266.


2012. Peter J. Bräunlein Passion/Pasyon. Rituale des Schmerzes im europäischen und philippinischen Christentum. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2010. Anthropos 106: 641-642.


2010. Grant Evans: The Last Century of Lao Royalty: A Documentary History. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2009. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 166,4: 511-512.


2010. James C. Scott: The art of not being governed: An anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2009. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 166,2/3: 363-365.


2010. Sigrun Preissing: Tauschen – Schenken – Geld? Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Gegenentwürfe. Berlin: Reimer, 2009. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 135: 171-172.


2009. Sara L. M. Davis: Song and Silence: Ethnic Revival on China’s Southwest borders, 2004. New York: Columbia University Press. Aseanie 22: 193-4.


2008. Maren Tomforde: The Hmong Mountains: Cultural Spatiality of the Hmong in Northern Thailand. Münster: LitVerlag, 2006. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 133,2: 340-1.


2005. Carol Ireson-Doolittle/Geraldine Moreno-Black: The Lao: Gender, Power, and Livelihood. Boulder/Oxford: Westview Press, 2004. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 161, 4: 560-1.


2004. Grant Evans (ed.): Laos: Culture and Society. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Press, 1999. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 160, 4: 610-612.



Funded Research Projects

Scientific Network: "Plural Ecologies in Conflict: Anthropological Perspectives on Southeast Asia"
Funded by German Research Council, 2016-2018.
60.915 €


Support for preparation of an application for a special research focus: "Limits of Self-Regulation" with Christiane Schwieren (Alfred-Wber-Institute of Economics, Heidelberg University) and Andreas Voss (Psychological Institute, Heidelberg University). 
Founded Research Council, Field of Focus 4: Regulation and Self-Regulation, Individuals and Organisations.
55.000 €


Network of Competence Dynamics of Religion in Southeast Asia, (DORISEA)
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, coordinated at the University of Göttingen. 2011-2014 
- Supervision of Doctoral Project: Ritual Dynamics in Upland Southeast Asia (0,5 E 13) 117.600 € & Research expenses
Funding acquired for the Institute of Ethnology, University of Münster. 440.402 €


German-French Research Group "Local Traditions and World Religions", 2011-2014.
Funded by the German Research Council and the Agence National de la Recherche.
Personal research project: “Modern Animism: The Emergence of ‘Spirit Religion‘ in Laos”. Förderung eigener Feldforschung in Süd-Laos.
13.300 €


„Die rituelle Konstruktion von Khmerness“. (The ritual construction of Khmerness)
Doctoral Research Project, funded by the German Research Council (Co-applicant, main applicant Prof. Vincent Houben, HU Berlin) 2011-2015


Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk: Zwischen Synkretismus und Orthodoxie: Zur religiösen Dynamik Südostasiens (Co-Applicant)
German Research Council, 2007-2009
32.500 €

Ongoing and Completed PhD Projects

Ongoing PhD Projects

Sophie-Ann Perkins:
"Experiencing the Sacred: Mind, Body and Ritual in Accessing the Divine."


Elizabeth Rauchholz:
"Transcultural Value Transfers as Perceived by South Korean NGO/NPO volunteers in multinational teams in the United Kingdom."


Geger Riyanto:
"The Butonese and the Hulu: An Examination of the Dynamics of Coexistence between Uplander and Lowlander of the Seram Island, Maluku."


Tyce Shideler:
"Nova Homarus: Economic Assimilation, Institutional Orthodoxies, and the Return of Ecological Plurality to the Lobster Industry of Nova Scotia."


Omar Trujillo Hernandez:
"The Contemporary Festive Experience: Time, body and technology."


Vikram Das:
"Political Ecology of Tharcoal Megaproject: Transformation, Infrastructure Development and Vulnerable Ecology in Thar Desert, Pakistan."


Herbary Zhang:
"Women, Motherhood, and Living Positively: An Ethnographic Study of Social Stigma and Support of Single Mothers in Thailand."

Stephen Amorino:
"Plural Ecologies in the Eastern Himalaya: Human Environment Relationships, Local Deity Propitiation, and Transcultural Exchange."

Completed PhD Projects

Eva Sevenig:
"Ein multi-ethnisches Dorf: Dynamiken sozialer Morphologie und transkultureller Kommunikation in Baan Hadnaleng, Nordwest-Laos” (2015)


Carmen Grimm:
"Der Wert der Alten: Multiple Wissensmodelle und Praktiken der Repräsentation in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Deutschland/Peru


Frauke Mörike:
Working Misunderstandings in the Organizational System: An Ethnography across three Offices of a Multinational Professional Servicing Firm in Mumbai, India


Marco Lazzarotti:
Telling Stories Makes the World: Place and Narration in a Taiwanese Catholic Village


Maryam Abbasi:
"Zār Ritual and Expression of Gender Identity in Hormozgān Province of Iran"


Nokchachom Cheskhun:
"Merit and a Sense of Home: Emerging Thai Buddhist Communities in Germany"

Media Interviews (selection)

  • „Freie Liebe in der Südsee“ Interview with Mare Radio. Radio Bremen, 3. 7. 2016 
  • „Die Utopie der unendlichen Gabe.“ Interview zum Thema Weihnachten. Rhein-Main-Presse, 24. 12. 2015
  • Kindernachrichten zum Tag der indigenen Völker. Deutsche Presse-Agentur 9. 8. 2011
  • Einzig wahre Lippenbekenntnisse, zum Tag des Kusses. Südwestdeutscher Rund-funk, SWR 1, Der Abend, 11. 7. 2011
  • Ethnologe: Aufnahme-Rituale kontrolliert zulassen. Deutsche Presse-Agentur 24. 2. 2010
  • Experte: Angst vor Google ist typisch deutsch. Deutsche Presse-Agentur 19. 8. 2010
  • Kulturgespräch: Facebook und Diaspora. Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk, SWR 2 am Morgen, 16. 9. 2010
  • Fünf Fragen an… Prof. Guido Sprenger, über „Orchideenfächer“. Semesterspiegel: Zeitung der Studierenden in Münster 389 (Juli 2010): 10
  • Annika Strauss: Mythen als Schlüssel zur Gesellschaft: Interview mit Prof. Dr. Guido Sprenger. Ethmundo (, 17. 12. 2007
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