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Mailing List (Listserv)
ETHNO-INFO@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE is the email distribution list of the Institute of Ethnology and serves as an information platform. By subscribing, you will be added to the mailing list and will receive relevant news, information, etc. by email.
How to subscribe to LISTSERV
Please send an email without a subject to listserv@listserv.uni-heidelberg.de with the following content:
subscribe ethno-info First name Last name
(first and last name must of course be entered individually)
How to unsubscribe to LISTSERV
Please send an email without a subject to listserv@listserv.uni-heidelberg.de with the following content:
unsubscribe ethno-info First name Last name
(first and last name must of course be entered individually)
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